Friday, September 30, 2011

Where did the time go?

This evening at Williams Stadium in Garland, Texas my old alma mater--North Garland High School--will do their usual Friday night thing in the fall, namely play football. Only tonight, though, my classmates from 1981 will assemble and begin a two-day reunion celebrating 30 years since we graduated. I'm not sure how many will make it because I won't be in attendance myself. I've kicked the thought around quite a bit of showing up, but I will be going to Garland in just three weeks to celebrate Grannis' (my grandmother) 90th birthday, so I decided to not make the 1200 mile roundtrip. So I guess if I try to go next time, I'll be 58! Holy guacamole!

So where did the time go?

Well for starters, I have been here in Presidio since 1987. That's 24+ years and counting, meaning that over half my life I've been way out in West Texas. And that's cool because time has just flown by.